What is it?
Colon hydrotherapy (or irrigation) using the Wood Gravitational Method is a safe, effective method of removing toxic waste from the colon without the use of drugs or laxatives. Purified, temperature regulated water flows gently into the colon, helping to soften and loosen accumulated fecal matter. The colon’s natural peristaltic action (stimulated by an abdominal massage), along with the water helps the body eliminate the accumulated waste matter. Colon Hydrotherapy is a valuable procedure which can help a wide variety of conditions and disorders, stemming from and rooted in digestive disturbances.
How is a Colonic Administered?
A person receiving a colonic lies on a table 18″ (approximately 1/2 a metre) below the temperature-controlled input tank. A sterilised speculum is gently inserted into the rectum. Water flow, which is always under the direct control of the practitioner, flows into the colon via a small water tube and out through the evacuation tube carrying with it impacted faeces and mucous. As the water flows out of the colon, the practitioner gently massages the abdomen to help the colon release its contents. It is possible to see this expelled waste matter when it passes through a special viewing window in the evacuation tube. The person is well covered and their modesty is given top priority during the procedure. This colonic process takes up to 60 minutes.
How Many Colonics do I need?
The number of treatments will always vary with the individual and his/her condition. Often the waste is so hard and well lodged in the colon that it may take a series of colonics to sufficiently soften and loosen this accumulated faecal material. Some people may not have startling results for the first few treatments. this is why a series of treatments is necessary and advisable. Colonic irrigation is most effective when employed in combination with exercise and a proper diet of non-mucous producing foods. Fresh fruits, vegetables and certain herbs are suggested to help loosen and help dissolve accumulated faecal matter.
The suggested series would be two colonics per week for eight weeks. Once the colon is clean, it is advisable to have a colonic every one to two months to maintain the environment. A good time is at the change of seasons when diet and exercise patterns often change. you should have a colonic before, during and after a “fast” to hasten the removal of toxic waste. Colonics would also be beneficial during the cold and flu season.
What are the Benefits?
Colonics offer relief from a variety of disturbances by cleansing the colon of impacted and putrefactive faecal matter. Fatigue, gas, headaches, irritability, skin problems, cold hands and feet, lethargy are among the problems people have found relieved by colon cleansing. Constipation of course, is another as well as chronic diarrhoea.
You can feel lighter and more energetic. The body can again assimilate food in the colon and better defend itself against disease. Natural peristalsis, tone and regularity are restored and many serious diseases may be averted through this gentle, sterile, scientific technique. Colonics are a key factor in the restoration of the body’s natural balance or what we call good health.
Are there any side effects?
There are none. If is not uncommon however, for some people to start to feel like they have a cold or headache after a colonic. Toxins which have been lying dormant in the colon are now being flushed out and a small amount may be re-absorbed into the body’s system. This healing crisis passes quickly and the person will realise a feeling of well-being with further treatments.
Will Colonics Damage the Normal Intestinal Flora?
None of the functions of the first half of the colon is to gather the intestinal flora needed for the colon. When the accumulation of faeces in the bowel leads to faecal encrustation, it is difficult for the colon to function normally and the glands in this liming cannot produce the necessary intestinal flora. The resulting lack of lubrication intensifies a state of constipation and generates toxemia. This upsets the normal acid-alkaline balance and the growth of the friendly bacterial is stunted. Cleansing the colon will help bring the acid-alkaline ratio back into balance. In this environment, the friendly bacteria will again thrive and disease causing bacteria will find it difficult to develop.